Daily Bible Study(2Corinthians 10):

We often create scenarios in our minds to bring around a certain thought and finish off an ideal.  We want things to be smooth so we tie together loose ends.  This isn’t always a bad thing because if we didn’t do this we wouldn’t be able to form an understanding on anything.  No matter how crude it may be it is only one building block and several must be created with some of them being nocked out of the building to make room for others that fit the whole better.  Like an egg that’s fully formed and completely sealed eventually it must give way to life and be utterly obliterated for the actual living reality it contains.  

All signs point to Christ, from the light of ancient Israel to the darkness of ancient Egypt.  “Out of Egypt I called My Son”.  The ancient Israelites where held in a land called Goshen meaning comfort and plenty where they fell asleep.  Within that land was a city called Ramses meaning, “Son of God.”  In the seed of ancient Israel was carried out of Egypt the very Son of God.  He was with them the whole time and never departed them until they finally crucified Him.  

We should never go beyond our sphere of influence and step on someone else’s toes.  We are all incapsulated within our own spheres of influence from our country, culture, family, and immediate influences.  It’s impossible to see past and even when we think we’re seeing past it we’re still only drawing from the very own sphere itself.  Only the light of Christ can pierce through it and it doesn’t come without a considerable amount of pain.  He’s the complete Light inside of us, the complete darkens.  We must let Him take us by the hand and lead us.  

“If you were blind, you would have no sin; but now that you maintain, ‘We see,’ your sin remains.”(John 9:41)  

“Heavenly Father I pray that we could all be enlightened by Your Spirit.  That we would let You be You completely.  That we would allow you to crack this egg of the flesh and allow Your Pure Yoke to pour forth.  That we would so rest in this Rising Bright and Morning Start that we would fall upwards and let go to be carried away in Your pinions and complete and total salvation.  Thank you Jesus!  Amen!!”

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