Light Dark One Letter

I realize that I’m immersed in my own thoughts and feelings. How can any human not be? That is the pursuit of this life is to get past ones own desires, fears, ambitions, affections. When did I think it was ok to be taken by my emagination? There was no specific time. I was conceived into it. Now I’m being enlightened and finding freedom from dark to light. Our assumptions is what incapsulates us.

When God spoke in the scripture there was no ambiguity about it. So why do I continue to follow speculation and feelings? God gave me His thoughts and emotions spelled out plainly through the scriptures. He speaks to us internally too but it must always be brought to the light. It must have time to be brought to the surface and discerned. Unless I’m an apostle by receiving visions and messages from angels then I must rely on help from others to see past myself. And even then that is not a sure thing. Only Christ will stand incorruptible in the end and if I cling to that revelation I will be saved.

Light and dark one letter. That is how we see is through contrast. First go down and then up. That is how Christ saved us. Everything must be put into perspective. But I must be careful to not become crafty and over critical. The serpent is a symbol for the devil but also for prudence. Leviathan has been used as a symbol for Satan as well as for God. But the devil isn’t a leviathan and neither is God.